One day when the Buddha was sitting on grasses in a grove, a little deer came about very close to him and showed its friendliness. The Buddha first was> dearly to the little deer a little bit, then he grasped a little stick next to ...
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A monk who had studied under the Zen master Kassan for a period of time. Then he left him to go to many other places for more Zen enquiry. However, he could not find any place that fitted him. Furthermore, at any place visited, he hread that Kassan was praised as one of the great Zen masters. Therefore, the monk was back with Kassan and asked him: -At any place I visited, it was said that you, Sir, have very deep understanding, why didn't you tell me about that? Kassan replied: -When you started to cook, I kindled the fire. When you shared the food, I gave you my bowl. Was there any time I disappointed you? Right under the words, the monk awaked.
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