A student asked:
-For all the different people who have come to listen to your words, please tell us about the way you have found and know.
The Buddha answered:
-When you take things it is because of a thirst, a clinging...
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When a monk came to say good bye to Chao-chou Tsung-shen (778-897), a brilliant Chinese Ch'an master. Chao-chou asked: -Where will you go? The monk answered: -Any place where I can learn Buddha dharma. Chao-chou stood up his duster and said: -Where there is Buddha, do not stay; where there is no Buddha, run away as fast as you can. Don't be in error to give Buddha dharma to someone who is three thousand miles far away.
........... Note: CT has no talents to create anything at all. One thing he could do is to mimic. And he's going to mimic Chao-chou in saying something like this:
-Where there is Buddha-nature, do not stay; where there is no Buddha-nature, run away as fast as you can. -Where there is Shunyata, do not stay; where there is no Shunyata, run away as fast as you can.
-Where there is God, do not stay; where there is no God, run away as fast as you can. The same with Brahma, Allah, YHWH, etc...
Also, don't be in error to come and give CT your views or theories about any of what mentioned above or ask him about them, because he knows nothing about any of them.
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