One day a monk paid a visit to Tinh Khong (1091-1170), a Vietnamese Zen master, who was of the tenth generation of Vo Ngon Thong lineage, and asked:
-From old days it was talked about "direct pointing", what does that mean?
In the teachings it says that: "All compounded things are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows; they are like dew and like lightning, and should be seen in this way."
What eye do you see with? When you have fully attained this eye,you will see the mountains, rivers, and earth do not ruin or adulterate yourself, nor do yourself ruin or adulterate the mountauns, rivers, and earth. There is no more sacred doctrines therein to make for understading or obstruction. And there is no ordinary convention to make for understanding or obstruction.
But can you believe it? If you can believe it, then consciouness conditioned by ignorance turns into endless meditation. If you can't belive it, endless meditation turns into consciousness conditioned by ignorance.
Ch'an master Tsu-hsin
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