1181 |
from England living in Greensboro NC
found this site through a personal referral
06.21.2000 |
I am looking to find a teacher? can anyone help
1182 |
from London
found this site through a search engine
06.13.2000 |
Very good, thought provoking ideas! will get back
1183 |
Christopher Vornheder
from USA
found this site through a search engine
06.12.2000 |
I want to learn more about Buddhism. I try to live by these precepts.
1184 |
from Sweden living in Ohio, USA
found this site through a search engine
(MSN search)
06.11.2000 |
I visited the site while reviving my personal spiritual commitment. I find it intriguing that my “love hate” relationship with Zen Buddhism and “Western” Christianity keeps the juxtaposition of faiths balanced for me. Thank you.
1185 |
from Amarillo area, Texas
found this site through a search engine
06.09.2000 |
Like your site. There is a real need to both educate and support those of us who are practicitoners of Zen in remote areas. May your work bare much fruit.
1186 |
Jeannette McDonld
from Connecticut
found this site through a search engine
06.09.2000 |
Thank you for creating this site...it has just the right information for anyone inquiring about the art of Zen....very imformative...I have gone on to order the book "Awakening to the sacared" ....thank you for the site..and the suggestion :)
1187 |
Jamie Parker
from Zimbabwe
found this site through a search engine
06.07.2000 |
Your page was very informative in supplying us with information for our seminar. Good Job!
1188 |
from Boston
found this site through a search engine
06.05.2000 |
send me some info on all those zen lunatic
1189 |
harry k
from ambiguous question (canada?)
found this site through a search engine
06.03.2000 |
excellent site ..questions slightly strange.b
1190 |
Bryan Griffiths
from Moreton In Marsh, Gloucestershire, England.
found this site through a search engine
06.02.2000 |
A comprehensive site, I hope to see the discussion group grow.
1191 |
Tyler Harris
from Harold, Kentucky, USA
found this site through a search engine
05.30.2000 |
I have been interested in Zen Buddhism for quite a while now. Upon reading more about Siddartha Gautama and all of the Bhuddist principles, I felt a deep connection with the Buddha. More ever than I did with Jesus of Nazareth. I feel more at peace now that I have converted and accepted Zen Buddhism.
1192 |
found this site through a search engine
05.29.2000 |
I am very interested in learning more about Buddhism. I have been looking for a path of spirituality for a while and the philosophies of Buddhism seem to speak to me like nothing else. I have tried to get into your chat room but keep getting a message saying error. Your website is very attractive and inviting. I just wish I could figure it out. I would like to learn more about enlightenment. Do you have any book suggestions or any suggestions in general that will help me on my path?
1193 |
Paul Jarvis
from Staffordshire, England
found this site through a search engine
05.29.2000 |
someone talk to me
1194 |
from philadelphia, pa
found this site through other
05.24.2000 |
thanks everyone who signed the guestbook and leaving us with great comments and suggestions.
URL: eclectic
1195 |
from Cleveland, OH
found this site through a search engine
(FAST search All the Web, All the Time)
05.24.2000 |
Thank you so very much for putting the 4 Noble Truths and the 8fold Path on the Web. I loaned my favorite introductory book on Buddhism to a friend who is slow to return it (hope springs eternal). I must confess I am still attached to that book, but perhaps your benevolent service will help.
1196 |
Tenzin Dawa
from A child of the universe born in Western Europe
found this site through a search engine
05.24.2000 |
Constant conquest, but constant search? I used to think that, too. Maybe in search of a little more emptiness... (smile). Good website. Enjoyed it.
1197 |
cool brezee
from zen
found this site through a personal referral
05.23.2000 |
Winter is only 6-month's away !
URL: none
1198 |
Pedro Antonio Cummings Ku
from Republic of Panama (Panamanian)
found this site through a search engine
05.22.2000 |
Nice Web Site. Very informative. Keep the good work. Truly yours, Pedro
1199 |
Paul Hansen
from Tulsa OK
found this site through a search engine
05.18.2000 |
very educational, provided a general foundation in words that I was unable to fin in some of the books I have read. Where do I go from here?
1200 |
from NY
found this site through a search engine
05.16.2000 |
The information on here are informative, but could be expanded more. Most of the information here I knew of already. Could have gone in more depth of the Zen itself and not only discuss buddhism.
URL: Philosophy for Life